Monday, October 29, 2018


Yes, This is a post on footwear. 

I feel extremely passionate regarding wearing the correct footwear for a given situation. It's infuriating to see people wearing the wrong footwear in inappropriate destinations. If you go hiking the logical thing to do is wear hiking shoes if you go to a river wear an adventure sandal, if you go to a snowy destination than snow boots are a great choice! I can not tell you how many times I have gone on a hike to see some idiot trying to climb in flimsy sneakers or to Disney World and seen someone walking around in high heels! This not only is stupid but can be dangerous to you and whoever has to rescue your ass. 

Use your brains people. If you want a universally good pair of shoes do some research and get something you like. I love Merrell and lately Original Vans as well as Van Ultra Range. Merrell makes a wide variety of great shoes. everything from sneakers to hiking boots and even a wet-dry style of shoe. Vans look good for dressing up and the sticky bottoms are very good for traction. The Van Ultra Range is something that I found and really like for traveling. They are more substantial than the Van Originals, have a more aggressive tread that is still sticky, are very breathable and EXTREMELY lightweight. Very solid all-around choice. I have not owned them long but I truly know they will be a must-have.  Vans, in general, are not very expensive in the world of overpriced shoes always a plus. 

I will admit that I have learned the hard way. Recently, I went to Costa Rica canyoneering. That is repelling down waterfalls. I wore my Merrell Trail Gloves thinking that they would dry overnight for the next day- WRONG! They stayed wet and gross- Smelled like hell. My wife, on the other hand, wore Chacos z/2 sandals! Her feet were not GROSS! Costa Rica is very humid and I did not account for this. An oversite that I will not repeat. I will be getting a pair of adventure style sandals ASAP! 

These are just suggestions if you have a personal favorite brand that's fine just make sure that they are appropriate for your adventure. I am a bit of shoe fanatic so I take shoes very seriously. I hope that you reconsider your choices for traveling to make your trip as enjoyable as possible.   

These photos are not actual shoes I own- Well, I do own the Vans, and a variant of the Merrells. I tend to screenshot shoes I am interested in and research them at a later date. An idea if you like shoes or anything you don't want to forget. One last thing if you find a shoe you like and are shore of the size shop the internet- Amazon CAN? be a great place to find a deal. It does not however always have all the models available. 


Ben and Jennifer

Friday, October 26, 2018

What to carry on or NOT?

What do you carry on or NOT!

Do you carry on or not carry on- THAT is the question?

 I say that if you have to pay for a carry on then I would rather check a bag and take a personal item.  Most flights let you take a personal item that is adequate enough to pack an extra set of clothes, water bottle, entertainment, snacks, etc... I always take this option. I hate paying airlines excessively. Usually, they charge a premium to take a carry on. Most airlines usually try to screw you with some extra fees so I can not stand paying them anymore.  Some people disagree and state that the money difference is worth not worry about potential lost luggage or waiting at the carousel. This is a great point and if that's your choice than I am cool with it. If you are one of those idiots that try to stuff ten pounds of shit in a five-pound oversized bag above in the overhead than YOU need to check that bag! Nobody likes that idiot on a flight, attempting to stuff that huge bag in an overhead that clearly will not fit it.  You know who you are!

I carry on a backpack style bag. I use either a Deuter Act 24L backpack or a North Face Camp Duffel size small (the small meets the dimensions of most airlines). The reason that I like a backpack style is that for the most part, it can fit under most seats as well as that you can carry them without using your hands. This is very beneficial navigating around airports or other areas you may need your hands free. They both also have compression straps to snug down your items as well as daisy-chain to strap stuff to the outside if needed. 

It is also beneficial when you do get your baggage to be able to handle it without having to worry about having your hands full already. Time can be crucial to grab a bag off a carousel or throw it into a cab. Who wants to wrestle extra when it is not needed. 

I also find you can pack these bags to the gills! This is wonderful if your space it tight. I can say that I actually have been able to pack one efficiently enough to not only have a personal item. This is great if you can do this because it not only saves money but time. Obviously, you can not do this for a long trip unless you plan to wash clothes or it is a vacation where you need very little. 

It can be kind of fun to challenge yourself to see how efficient you can be. OK, maybe I am crazy!

Travel Smart!

Ben and Jennifer

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Packing- #2

Stuff all laid out?

Ok, now for the fun part!  Getting all your stuff in your luggage. The main issue here is going to be your method of travel. If you are taking a plane and are restricted to a weight limit it can be extremely challenging. 

First, make sure your luggage is as light as possible, this gives you more room for your things. Obvious right? Ok, the next part is the fun part for me. I would recommend getting some space bags. Does not matter the brand, but I recommend a variety of sizes. I also like the bags that are for travel, not the vacuum style. You want to be able to roll the air out not need to worry about sucking it out. The travel ones also tend to be smaller due to the fact they don't have the vacuum port. 

Once you have these wonderful tools place your clothes into the space bags in a manner of necessity. I would recommend placing all the maybe worn clothes into one bag. This bag may or may not be opened at your destination. Socks, underwear and other small items into another, dress style clothes, t-shirts/shorts, long pants etc... all in separate bags. 

Once, all the clothes are in the bags as you like, seal them and then layer the bags into your luggage. These also work great for carry-ons and personal items. Now that everything is flat in your bags you need to add in the odd shaped items, shoes, toiletries, etc... MAKE sure you put your shoes into a grocery-style bag or something equivalent and definitely put all toiletries into zip locks. If a liquid spills that can ruin a trip.  Your shoes may get wet or dirty and you don't want to get it all over your clothes or luggage. My last trip I had a pair of Merrell Trail Gloves I used for canyoneering and they never really dried. Needless to say, they smelled horrible and if I did not bag them---- YUCK! 

Why all the bags? First, they keep everything neat, second they are slippery so you can shift them around easier(pack more), third they keep stuff dry - humid climates can wreak havoc on our clothes, fourth they can be used for other things on the trip- dirty clothes, fifth you can fit far more stuff, sixth you can buy stuff during your trip and still have luggage space.  LOTS of great uses for packing appropriately!

Packing is almost an endless topic. I will continually update my tips are tricks as well as add to these sections periodically. You just cannot write it all down at once. 

Happy Travels~

Ben and Jennifer~

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Packing - #1

Hello fellow travelers! 

One of the things that I run into most frequently from people is the dread of preparing and packing for a trip. I will admit that I  have learned the hard way sometimes, miss packed, or some unforeseen circumstance changes my travel needs. This is part of the experience. Sometimes you need to tough it out. However, that is not what this blog is about. 

When you prepare for a trip you need to do the research on the climate, your activities, your personal comfort (are you hot or cold natured), the weight limit on your luggage- if any, type of luggage needed, airline rule and regulations, and then anything miscellaneous that may arise. 

Once you have determined what you believe you need it is preferable, to add in some essentials. For me this is always a mini flashlight- (hotel rooms are new environments that may not be lit well, or you may go for a romantic night walk), multitool- (something always needs to be cut, or breaks), Gore-tex Rain Jacket- (can act as a jacket or just a layer), hat, sunglasses, bandana, backpack- carryon, bathing suit or gym pants (quick dry), and a long sleeve shirt (quick dry), and possibly some sort of sandal. This list can be modified but I seem to use these things universally and they can be used for more than their intended use. 

OK, so you have a ton of stuff laid out... YOU WILL NOT need it all. I promise you! You over packed outfits, underwear, dress clothes, make-up etc... It is inevitable you think you will need it but in reality, you will not. This is a vacation, you can wear something more than once. You are most likely not a celebrity reading this and no paparazzi is going to ridicule you for wearing a shirt or dress more than once. I do personally take a ton of socks, I hate wet feet! 

I would recommend starting to pack at least a week earlier than your trip, that way you can think about your choices and manipulate them as needed.

Next entry will be for our packing segment will be on how to actually get all your shit in your bag!

Until next time!

Ben and Jennifer~

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Alchemist Travel Introduction

Alchemist - Someone who turns the ordinary into the extraordinary.

My name is Ben and I love to travel, eat, experience new things and most of all I LOVE adventure. I am NOT a writer and I do not pretend to be. I apologize up front for any mistakes this blog may contain. My wife Jennifer, however, is a wonderful writer and I am sure it will be obvious which posts she writes and the ones I do.

I grew up loving to see and experience new things. I have partaken in various recreational sports but my true love was action sports. Anything, that would give me a rush! My parents always encouraged me to be an adventurous eater and that has made me want to see and experience new places. I am an exceptionally organized person and I pride myself in preparation.  I will give you the best tips and tricks I can.  

My wife Jennifer grew up differently than I, much more traditionally.  This has fed her love for travel and experiencing new things. She is always willing to go to a new destination. She loves a new restaurant or to try new foods. She was a cheerleader in high school but for the last 15ish years, she has been a hardcore runner.  Jennifer has learned to love a thrilling trip even when it pushes her comfort zone.

My wife Jennifer and I love to travel! We love new places, new foods, and the new culture. WE LOVE THE ADVENTURE! However, we are not wealth nor do we like to get to a destination and be disappointed.  I will admit that I am NOT a travel planner. I am very good at the execution, packing, getting ready, organization, and critiquing. I believe that positive reviews are just if not more important than negative. I spend lots of time reviewing on Google. My wife is a wonderful planner! She pours over reviews and articles to make sure wherever we end up is as wonderful as she leads me to believe it to be! It is so overwhelming to plan a trip, so many choices, so much expense. Your trip should be a time of relaxation and rejuvenation, not regret and frustration. 

We would like this blog to be a resource for you. We will put some of our trips and our opinions on those trip as well as tips for travel and preparing for travel along the way. 

Hope you find our blog useful!  

Ben and Jennifer~