Monday, November 12, 2018


Technology and Traveling

What should you take when traveling?

First, you need to ask yourself are you going for work or pleasure? If you are going for your job then you need to obviously take whatever you need or require. If you are going for pleasure than you need to ask yourself- do I want to experience with my own eyes or spend time looking at some sort of screen? Let me clarify, I definitely would take a phone, not to do social media bullshit but for safety. I am talking about larger devices such as laptops or tablets etc... If you have a long flight you may decide you need this tech but, you may not. Remember, it is just more to carry, more to deal with and more that could get stolen or lost. It is irritating to me to see people visiting areas that are drop-dead gorgeous and never look up due to their inability to put the tech away!  

We all want and love pictures. I more than most. I take a ton of pictures. However, I do not spend time editing them, looking through them and certainly don't publically post them until I return home. I don't post because it lets people know you are NOT home. In this day in age, it is sad to say but bad people are always watching. Great apps such as Google Photos exist that auto backup your shots so you never need to worry about space on your phone (as long as you connect to wifi and ensure they get backed up, and set the program up properly).  Social media has become an addiction that many can not break. I see people glued to their devices seldom raising their heads. This is not just a traveling issue. Spend some time with your family, friends, new people just met, or even by yourself. 

Stop...Stare... and RELISH! Experience is far better in person than through a screen. 

Ben and Jennifer

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