Monday, November 5, 2018

Rant on Customs

Customs- Where you enter or exit one county to another.

Many times this requires a Passport and or Visa. All documentation that you do well in advance, that is verified by your government. You passport then is checked multiple times at the airport prior to you leaving your home country or entering another.

Sounds kinda simple? RIGHT? You are carrying an official document given to you by your country with all sorts of watermarks and holograms etc... So with all these people verifying who you are- WHAT THE FUCK is the deal?

You walk up to a customs agent and they all treat you like a criminal, where are you going, for how long, did you bring any cattle along with you this trip- are you cracked? Do I look like I am carrying cattle in my bag? OK, let's be fair there are lots of bad deceitful people out there. Yes, some try and do manage to get across the borders. But for the most part...

For the real reason, I am ranting.  The last time I traveled I had no issues going through customs into or exiting a foreign county. They were relatively polite, separated all us visitors from the locals to expedite the process. Were efficient at getting us through the long line. Cool. OK, back to the United States of America the place my passport was issued, the place I was born and raised all my life, the place I pay my taxes to and have a home! Prior to the trip, I was advised to download the Passport App to expedite reentry. Very cool,  technology, time-saving. ALL RIGHT! Wrong! First off, the app did help avoid one long line, but we were put into another, all mixed with travelers and citizens alike, really fucking stupid. Then we got to the point where they scan the app. Yup- the app would not scan, "we have problems sometimes with the scanner". Great! then they did not inform us that once we entered this smallish area to get our luggage we needed to scan app again? Of course, I had put my phone in my pocket to grab the luggage and guess what... they needed to scan the app again, all 100 feet away from the last scanner. YA- didn't work again, oh and an asshole TSA agent would not direct us when asked a question. THIS IS MY HOME COUNTRY RIGHT? Ok, so now we are good. NOPE- back through security again, checking all the same sit for the fourth time? It is like a bad dream. So, to recap- breeze through an customs booth in a foreign country with a foreign passport clerk with relatively helpful polite people just  to come home to rude assholes, lumping us all together to check, recheck and check again the same information and we wonder why the satisfaction of travel is down and tax money is wasted on excessive.

Am I crazy~

 Ben and Jennifer

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